PlayTater Attributes & Genres on
PlayTaters are Replay’s most innovative Digital Collectible yet, the first NFT to grant governance over a streaming service. PlayTaters empower the community to decide what is worthy of being front-paged on, a major streaming app with hundreds of thousands of downloads on TVs and devices around the world.
How does it work? PlayTater owners can vote on a regularly updating Tater Favorites playlist, then earn RPLAY rewards for watching & sharing that playlist! Have a PlayTater with “Vampire fangs” or a “Cowboy hat”? You might find you’ll earn more when watching Horror movies or Westerns.
Attribute rarity will be announced and come into effect in evaluating rewards at a later date.
Please see below for a full list of current attributes that reward content genres on, listed by genre.
To see a full list of attributes, check-out the PlayTaters OpenSea page.
- Accessory | Basketball
- Background | Soccer Field
- Headpiece | Baseball Cap
- Outfits | Jersey
- Accessory | Rake
- Backgrounds | Cowboy Town
- Headpieces | Cowboy Hat
- Outfit | Cowboy
- Accessory | Magnifying Glass
- Backgrounds | Forest
- Headpieces | Sherlock Hat
Documentary / History:
- Accessory | Globe
- Background | Library
- Headpieces | Pirate Hat
- Accessory | Theatre Binoculars
- Backgrounds | Theatre
- Body | Blue
- Headgear | Mysterious Theatre Mask
Crypto / Finance:
- Accessory | Money Bag
- Accessory | Bitcoin Bag
- Accessory | Replay Bag
- Backgrounds | Bank
- Body | Gold
- Headgear | Head of Hair
- Accessory | Chainsaw
- Headgear | Hockey Fiend
- Body | Vampire
Anime / Kung-Fu:
- Accessory | Sword
- Backgrounds | Dojo
- Headgear | Anime Hair
- Outfit | Samurai
- Accessory | Laser Gun
- Body | Red
- Headgear | Astronaut Helmet
- Eyes | Sunglasses
- Outfit | Astronaut Suit
- Accessory | Laser Sword
- Backgrounds | Alien Planet
- Headpieces | Dark Tater
- Outfit | Dark Tater Suit
- Backgrounds | Enchanted Forest
- Body | Pink
- Eyes | Heart Glasses
- Mouth | Lips
- Outfits | Pink Suit
- Accessories | Rubber Chicken
- Nose | Clown
- Outfit | Clown Outfit